Captain's Sea Chest, Cherry

Captain's Sea Chest, Cherry
At sea or on land, sailors love to stow their belongings in our finest-kind Captain's Sea Chest.
The ADRIANCE CAPTAIN’S SEA CHEST features beautiful matched-grain, wide cherry boards hand-dovetailed at the corners for strength, as on 19th century sea chests.
The front and back are slanted with classic tumblehome ends, effecting a low center of gravity, for stability on a ship’s pitching deck.
A handsome bullnose moulding is tenoned into the lid to protect and prevent warpage.
A beveled base moulding surrounds a rift pine ship-lapped bottom with hardwood dragging skids.
Two holly, nautical, five-point stars are smartly inlaid into the front of the sea chest.
Tapered cleats with hand-carved starwheels secure the rope beckets to the tumblehome ends above the centerline, providing a gimbaled counterbalance when hoisting.
Traditional marlinespike seamanship is evident in the hand-knotted rope beckets, featuring coach-whipped bails, turk's heads, needle hitching and pinked leather washers.
Hand-finished with water-resistant marine varnish and waxed to a satin patina.
Built to last, an Adriance Sea Chest will be treasured by you and generations to come. Learn More
41½" L cleat to cleat, 38"L case x 19½"D x 19½"H
6" diameter Compass Rose Inlay - extra charge
2"H Carved or Inlayed Serif Letters - extra charge